• Pogovori o zavesti, vesolju, drogah, naši kulturi, tehnologiji in prihodnosti človeštva ...

    Pogovori o idejah. Vodi Klemen Selakovič.

  • Ciril, Jure, Saša in Seba. Verjamemo v svobodo odprte ceste in v večni navdih sveta zobnikov, ognja v valjih, električnega udara, moči jekla in karbona. To je misija v jedro vrtinca mobilnosti.

  • Mihilizem je pogovorni podkast, ki mu nikakor ne smete verjeti, saj je žlahtni nejeveri pravzaprav namenjen. S pametnimi ljudmi govori o tistih neumnostih sveta, ki se jim preudarni, servilni in zato popularni vzdrževalci obstoječe religije neskončne gospodarske rasti, ki krasijo naslovnice in ekrane, z razlogom izogibajo.

  • A few years ago I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company, and thirdweb - a software platform, making it easy to build web3 applications. I then launched private equity fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns. During this time I decided to launch 'The Diary Of A CEO' podcast with the simple mission of providing an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts and thinkers. Thank you for listening.
    My New Book: https://g2ul0.app.link/DOAC
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/steven
    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenbartlett-123

  • Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience — how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.
    Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. 
    Huberman is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. His lab’s most recent work focuses on the influence of vision and respiration on human performance and brain states such as fear and courage. He also works on neural regeneration and directs a clinical trial to promote visual restoration in diseases that cause blindness. Huberman is also actively involved in developing tools now in use by the elite military in the U.S. and Canada, athletes, and technology industries to optimize performance in high stress environments, enhance neural plasticity, mitigate stress and optimize sleep.  
    Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals including Nature, Science and Cell and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover and other top media outlets. 
    In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 5 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

  • Lovim ravnotežje, najbolj poslušan slovenski podjetniški podcast, od leta 2019 vodi Nina Gaspari, podjetnica, kolumnistka in avtorica knjige Lovim svoje ravnotežje. Skozi sproščene in nefiltrirane pogovore z gostjami in gosti, ki presegajo ustaljene okvirje, boste doživeli smeh, solze in vse vmes. Vsak petek vas v podcast aplikaciji pričaka sveža epizoda, zato si s prijavo zagotovite, da jo boste hitro ujeli. Želite več? Spremljajte @ninagaspari in pokukajte v zakulisje ustvarjanja svojega najljubšega podcast kanala.

  • Know-How osebnih financ. Podcast o upravljanju denarja. Finančne novosti. Borza. Nepremičnine. Trendi. Pogovore vodi Marja Milič, avtorica več kot tisoč člankov o osebnih financah, dolgoletna urednica finančni vsebin.

  • Podkasti ekipe 24ur z najbolj vročimi gosti s sveta zabave, športa, novic in aktualnih zgodb

  • Priduži se mi na poti odkrivanja skrivnosti do sreče.

  • Informativna oddaja o športu, ki je podkrepljena s statistiko.

  • Pravljice iz domače in svetovne literature za vsako noč. Ena najstarejših oddaj otroškega in mladinskega programa Radia Slovenija. Na videz obrobna oddaja opravlja veliko kulturno poslanstvo. Najmlajše poslušalce vodi v svet domišljije v izbrani govorici gledaliških igralcev in igralk.

  • Pogovori in razmišljanja o duševnem zdravju in destigmatizaciji, o izzivih, stresu in tesnobi. Obenem pa o lepotah življenja, o zdravju in bolezni in o vseh krasnih življenjskih naukih, ki nam pomagajo rasti, se razvijati in živeti. Podcast vodi zdravnik David Zupančič.

  • Poslovne krivulje valovijo med povpraševanjem in ponudbo. Od ideje do uspeha je morda ključna prav prava informacija. Zato Poslovne krivulje opozarjajo na priložnosti, nove trge, investicije in razpise.

  • Kolesarski podkast Vala 202 ustvarjamo športni novinarji, ki zlato dobo slovenskega kolesarstva spremljamo iz prve vrste, na terenu. Prisotni smo na vseh pomembnejših klasikah, spomenikih, tritedenskih dirkah, tudi na svetovnih prvenstvih in olimpijskih igrah. Zato vam lahko ponudimo preverjene informacije, relevantne analize, gostimo ključne kolesarske akterje. Zanimivo, zabavno, tudi poučno. V zlati dobi slovenskega kolesarstva je to športni podkast, ki ne razočara.

  • This is not your typical parenting podcast. It is a podcast about raising the parent as much as it is about raising our children. 
    Join Dr. Shefali, the pioneer of conscious parenting, New York Times bestselling author, clinical psychologist, and Oprah’s favorite parenting expert, as she engages in raw and heartfelt conversations with parents in real time. Dr. Shefali tackles everyday parenting challenges by offering conscious tools and strategies to raise empowered and resilient children. She helps parents overcome obstacles that get in the way of creating authentic connections with their kids. 
    No matter what struggles you have, you will receive profound wisdom that will resonate deeply with your own life experiences.
    If you would like to be a guest on this podcast and receive parenting advice from Dr. Shefali, please go to http://www.drshefali.com/podcast. You can also email us at [email protected].

  • Life lessons from the greatest thinkers on the planet with Chris Williamson. Including guests like David Goggins, Dr Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Jocko Willink, Dr Andrew Huberman, Dr Julie Smith, Steven Bartlett, Ryan Holiday, James Clear, Robert Greene, Balaji Srinivasan, Steven Pinker, Alex Hormozi, Douglas Murray, Chris Bumstead, James Smith, Dr David Sinclair, Mark Manson and more. Understanding the world is hard. This podcast will help.

  • Na svoji strani z Ajdo Rotar Urankar so lifestyle pogovori z zanimivimi gosti z različnih področij. ✨

  • Podkast Vala 202 z dodano vrednostjo. Poglobljeno in angažirano pripovedujemo zgodbe. Originalnih junakov, izjemnih dogodkov, drobnih in velikih zapletov. Zgodbe nekega časa, življenja in družbe.

  • Metropolitan je mesto odličnih zgodb in njegov podkast ni nič drugačen! Za vas smo pripravili sproščene in zanimive pogovore #obskodelicikave, preko katerih boste spoznali raznolike življenjske sloge. Vse to v čisto novi seriji Metropolitan podkastov.

  • Learn the science behind great marketing. Every bite-sized 20-minute show comes packed with practical advice from admired marketers and behavioral scientists. Nudge is fast-paced but still insightful with real-world examples that you can apply - this is not your average marketing podcast.

  • Podkast o aktualnih političnih vprašanjih, kjer Delovi novinarki sprašujeta kompetentne analitike in politične voditelje. Gre za pogovorno oddajo, kjer novinarki z gostom soočata različna mnenja, ugotovitve ali informacije in na podlagi tega gostov ter gledalcem in poslušalcem ponudimo kredibilne informacije na podlagi katerih si izoblikujejo mnenje.

    Voditeljici: Suzana Kos in Barbara Eržen

  • Radio Ga Ga – nova generacija vsak petek dopoldan razkriva aktualno družbeno-politično dogajanje pri nas in v svetu ter vam postreže s pestrim naborom unikatnih imitacij. S svojo duhovitostjo in ostrim pogledom prinaša zabavo, smeh in razmislek o dogodkih poslušalcem vseh generacij. Bodite del petkove zabave na Prvem.

  • Podcast z gostitelji Miha Krajnc, Tomaž Ornik in Martin Tirš, kjer se pubeci sami ali z zanimivimi gosti pogovarjamo o kulturi, mladostniškem živlenju, karieri/faksu in aktualnih tematikah.

  • I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed. I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace.

    I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before. New episodes every Monday and Friday. Your support means the world to me and I don’t take it for granted — click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the love with On Purpose. I can’t wait for you to listen to your first or 500th episode!

  • Torkovo dopoldne je rezervirano za soočenje različnih pogledov na aktualne dogodke, ki iz tedna v teden spreminjajo svet, pa tega velikokrat sploh ne opazimo. Gostje Intelekte so ugledni strokovnjaki iz gospodarstva, znanosti, kulture, politike in drugih področij. Oddaja skuša širokemu občinstvu ponuditi kritično mnenje o ključnih dejavnikih globalnega in lokalnega okolja.

  • S pomočjo številk analiziramo vsakodnevne stvari - od športa do znanosti, od veselja do vesolja.

    Številke + kontekst = zgodbe

  • Timi Max Elšnik vodi igro v zvezni vrsti, zdaj pa tudi svoj Podcast!

  • Najpomembnejše teme tedna podrobneje analiziramo in preverjamo stališča strokovnjakov ter predstavnikov pristojnih organov. Kako njihove odločitve občutite na svoji koži?

  • Podkast o aktualnem dogajanju v svetu tehnologije in tehnična podpora za slehernika.

  • Oddaja za tiste, ki to niste! Miha Šalehar se spopada s temami, ki nikogar ne pustijo mlačnega! Vse tisto, kar ste na drugih radijih iskali zaman! Ustvarjajte oddajo z nami – na 01/475 22 02 in na #toplovod

  • VSE JE V REDU je podkast o duševnem zdravju, iskanju navdiha in notranjega miru, o premagovanju strahov in grajenju zaupanja vase in v življenje. Vodi ga Vida Igličar, grafična oblikovalka, ilustratorka in avtorica knjig, ki skozi izzive, ki ji jih življenje prinese na pot, aktivno in kreativno išče pot naprej. Razkriva svojo ranljivost in deli na lastni koži preizkušene rešitve in spoznanja. Podkast podira tabuje, pripomore k zmanjševanju stigme na področju duševnega zdravja, ponuja uvid, da v stiski nisi sam/a in da ne le da bo vse v redu, ampak da je vse v redu že zdaj, točno tako, kot je.

  • Popotniški podkast Ta nori svet ustvarjata Andreja in Nina. V njem z gosti potujeta po različnih državah sveta - bližnjih, dalnjih, eksotičnih, nedostopnih ... Države doživljamo skozi oči gosta in podajamo nasvete za potovanje. Skušata ti svet predstaviti drugače, zanimivo - to si v teh nenavadnih časih zaslužiš.

  • Čeprav ste ob naslovu oddaje pomislili na nasilje med štirimi stenami, pa z vsebinami presegamo ta okvir. Težav in načinov njihovega reševanja je toliko kot ljudi. Svoje zgodbe in izkušnje pripovedujejo invalidi, odvisniki, starši otrok s posebnimi potrebami, in tisti, ki so se morali soočiti z boleznijo kot je na primer rak, multipla skleroza, ALS in duševna motnja. V oddaji se pogovarjamo tudi o težavah v partnerski zvezi, pri vzgoji otrok in komunikaciji med ljudmi.

  • V prenesenem pomenu lahko govorimo o svetu znanosti, tehnike, vesolja, jezika, vzgoje, prava, matematike, preteklosti itd. Oziramo se za tistimi vsebinami, ki so nam potrebne ali koristne v “realnem času”.

  • Umetnost možnega – podkast o politiki je nekoliko drugačen pogled na notranje politično dogajanje v Sloveniji. Tanja Starič (TV Slovenija) in Aleš Kocjan (Radio Slovenija), oba dolgoletna notranje politična novinarja, v vsaki epizodi gostita novinarja, ki spremlja slovensko strankarsko dogajanje od blizu. Vabita tudi tiste, ki v ozadju snujejo politične strategije in tiste, ki politike poznajo, jih spremljajo in se z njimi pogovarjajo brez kamer in mikrofonov. Teme podkasta piše politika sama – s spletkami, prestopi, preštevanji, prelomnimi sestanki in kongresi, zavezništvi in spori. Vsakih 14 dni vse to analiziramo, komentiramo, pojasnjujemo in se, seveda, ob tem včasih tudi zgražamo in še večkrat smejimo.

  • Jure Godler in Anže Tomić opazujeta. Življenje.

  • Follow along Alex Cooper and the Daddy Gang as they exploit the details of their lives, making you feel a hell of a lot better about yours. Relationships, sex, social scenes, embarrassing moments, and more are all addressed here on CALL HER DADDY. See you f****** Wednesday.

  • Z gosti se podajamo na različne plezalne in gorske pustolovščine. Podoživljamo in delimo pristne ter avtentične zgodbe alpinistov, športnih, balvanskih in lednih plezalcev, alpinističnih smučarjev, gornikov in vse ostalih, ki so tako ali drugače povezani z gorami, s plezanjem v vseh oblikah ter vsem, kar sodi zraven. Pogovore o gorniški modrosti vodi Miha Habjan.

  • V podkastih Kofirajda teče debata o kolesarstvu ob skodelici dobre kave. V podkastih Disko grupe pa vsak teden sveže kolesarske teme in zanimivosti.

  • Ne boste verjeli, kje vse uspevajo Slovenci.

  • Štiri četrtine življenja skozi oči in besede Gorana.

  • Glosa Marka Radmiloviča, začinjena s prefinjenim smislom za humor, ki je enostavno ne smete preslišati!

  • Every Monday morning step into the office of iconic psychotherapist Esther Perel and listen in as real people in search of insight bare the raw, intimate, and profound details of their stories. From breakups and open relationships to workplace conflicts and fractures in the family, it’s a place to hear our own stories reflected in the lives of others. So…where should we begin? Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

  • You can change your life and Mel Robbins will show you how.

    Mel Robbins is one of the world’s most widely booked and followed podcast hosts and authors. She’s trusted by the world’s leading brands and medical professionals who use her research-backed tools and strategies in clinical and corporate settings. She’s amassed millions of followers online, with her videos going viral almost daily.

    143 Studios Inc., her female-led media company, produces provocative and award-winning content with unprecedented results: millions of books sold, billions of video views, seven #1 audiobooks, and original courses and programming for clients like Starbucks, JP Morgan Chase, LinkedIn, Spotify, Headspace, and Audible.

    Mel’s work has been translated into 41 languages, her podcast is syndicated in 194 countries, and her TEDx Talk is one of the most viewed of all time. A New York Times bestselling author and self-publishing phenom, Mel’s work includes The High 5 Habit and The 5 Second Rule. Most importantly, her science-backed tools and relatable advice have changed the lives of millions of people worldwide.

    Despite all this, Mel is one of the most down-to-earth and caring people you’ll ever meet. The person you see every day online is exactly the same in real life. Probably because she learned everything she teaches the hard way: by first screwing up her own life, and out of necessity, discovering the tools and research that transformed her life and got her to where she is today.

    In The Mel Robbins Podcast, Mel gets more personal than ever, welcoming you into her life and taking you behind the scenes in real time. Every episode is packed with deeply relatable topics, tactical advice, hilarious screwups, compelling conversations, and the tools and inspiration you need to create a better life.

    Tune in and buckle up – your life is about to change. New episodes of The Mel Robbins Podcast drop every Monday and Thursday.

    To learn more about Mel, go deeper into every episode, find the resources and research she mentions, or submit a topic or question, check out https://www.melrobbins.com.

  • Nov projekt domovinskih oddaj, razdeljenih v dva tematsko, vsebinsko in izvedbeno različna sklopa: v sklop „Mejniki identitete“ in „Domovina v srcu“.
    Sklop „Mejniki identitete“ zajema oddaje s poudarjeno zgodovinskim temeljem ter s kontinuiteto iz oddaje v oddajo. Zasnovan bo kot serija oddaj v premišljenem zaporedju, od davnih časov naselitve slovanskega življa na tem prostoru, prek sprejema krščanstva in postopne izgube samostojnega odločanja in izbiranja svojih knezov, do Trubarja in vse večjega samozavedanja kdo smo, kar je v obdobju vseevropske ”pomladi” privedlo do nastanka naroda, do vse bolj odkritih teženj in poskusov pridobitve samostojnosti ob razpadu habsburške monarhije, do bojev za združitev Slovencev med drugo svetovno vojno in sklepne oddaje o mejnikih, kakršni danes opredeljujejo identiteto slovenskega naroda, tudi kot državljanov Slovenije in Evrope.
    V drugem sklopu „Domovina v srcu“ bomo predstavljali posameznike, ki so veliko prispevali za osamosvojitev in samostojno pot naše domovine, ne samo na vsedržavni, marveč tudi na lokalni ravni. Prav slednje radi zelo hitro prezremo, čeprav so nesebično veliko storili na svojem območju. Oddaje bodo pogovorne. Z njimi se bomo sicer spomnili prelomnih časov osamosvajanja in vojne za Slovenijo, kot ji pravimo, hkrati bomo prikazali sogovornike v sedanjem času kot razmišljujoče osebnosti o sebi in vsem, kar jih obdaja.

  • O tem in onem, predvsem pa o NBA ligi in košarki. Trije športni komentatorji se dvakrat na mesec podajajo v globine najlepše moštvene igre na svetu. Pa še Dončić in Dragić jo igrata.

  • Beyond Leadership is a podcast that connects the business world with academia and provides a platform for entrepreneurs, leaders, managers, students, and everyone willing to learn and share their best practices and life stories about leadership. Going Beyond.

    Founder and owner: Mark Kalin

  • Welcome to the European Schoolnet podcast series, where we explore the intersection of innovation and technology in education. Join us as guest experts share insights and expertise on key issues on education policies in Europe and beyond. Each episode explores a specific topic, referencing events, publications, or policy changes driving the conversation forward. Designed for education stakeholders worldwide, our series aims to capture the nuanced debates within the education community and broader society. Stay tuned for empowerment and innovation in the evolving educational landscape.

  • Kaj nam o spreminjajočem se svetu povedo tisti, ki se z njim soočajo skozi posel? Kakšen je njihov uvid v razvoj Slovenije? Kako razmišljajo o gospodarskih, družbenih in tehnoloških trendih? Pogovori, ki odstirajo zanimive plati vodenja, razvoja podjetja, izzivov, predvsem pa razmišljanja in osebnosti menedžerjev.

  • Skozi izkušnje najvidnejših Slovencev, junakov slovenskega posla, ki ga cenimo doma in po svetu, iščemo odgovor na vprašanje »kaj je supermoč«. Od kod izvira, od kod jo črpamo, zakaj jo nekateri uporabljajo in zakaj drugi ne. Podcast s svojimi zgodbami najboljših in najbolj uspešnih »poživlja«, motivira, inspirira in dokazuje, da »se da!«. A pogoj za to je, da vsakdo najde svoj »svoj zakaj«.

    Podcast s pomočjo osebno-izpovednih zgodb, polnih prevratov, frustracij, srečnih naključij, hoje po robu, hazardiranja, odpovedovanja, in trdega učenja ter dela, poživlja. Poslušalci boste ob poslušanju »čistil« miselne kanale, dobil inspiracije, ideje, pogum. Vigor! Ta serija je poklon slovenskemu gospodarstvu in ljudem, ki so stebri naše prihodnosti.

    Podkast vodi Petra Kovič.

  • Vsakodnevna pogovorna radijska oddaja o aktualnih temah je zasnovana po načelu okrogle mize in edina tovrstna v slovenskem radiofonskem prostoru.

  • “Health has become overcomplicated. I aim to simplify it” In this podcast, we hear stories from leading health experts and exciting personalities who offer easy health life-hacks, expert advice and debunk common health myths giving you the tools to revolutionise how you eat, sleep, move and relax. Hosted by Dr Chatterjee - one of the most influential GPs in the country with nearly 20 years experience, star of BBC 1’s Doctor In the House, and author of 5 internationally best-selling books, including ‘The 4 Pillar Plan’ – Feel Better, Live More aims to inspire, empower and transform the way we feel. When we are healthier we are happier because when we feel better we live more.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.





    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Šala za starše je vlažilni robček, ki obriše driske in druge stiske. Je podkast, ki ga ustvarjava Maja in Uršula, mami, ki druga pri drugi ves čas preverjava: a je to normalno?! Je normalno, da se v dojenčka ne zaljubiš v trenutku, ko ga prvič pestuješ? Je normalno, da bradavice krvavijo? Je normalno, da preboleva že šesto šesto bolezen? Je normalno, da ne joče le otrok …? Skupaj z vami brez moraliziranja govorimo o starševstvu.

  • Živimo v času, ko na internetu vsak ve vse … razen Sašo Stare in Aleš Novak … onadva ne vesta nič! V tem podkastu, se bosta z gostom pogovarjala o tem, česar ne vedo. No, eden ve, dva pa ne vesta. A veste? Če nas poslušate, boste v družbi ravno vi tisti, ki vedno reče: “A res, tega ne veš?”

  • MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at mindpumppodcast.com. Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at mapsfitnessproducts.com

  • Komentarji prinašajo poglede na aktualna doganjanja v družbi. Pri tem ostajajo zvesti narodu, domovini in krščanski tradiciji.

  • Ogrodje je sproščen, tehnično razvijalski podcast. Modrosti, zablode in izkušnje serijsko.

  • Dobrodošli med gledalci in poslušalci prvega slovenskega tekaškega podcasta - Zagret za tek!

    Vaš gostitelj Marko Roblek skupaj z gosti poskušam biti informativen, zanimiv, zabaven in provokativen.

    Naročite se zdaj! Lahko po mili volji tudi všečkate in delite. Celo donirate!
    Hvaležen iz srca, drage tekačice in dragi tekači.

  • P(2) je podcast o pravnih in tehnoloških temah ter predvsem tistih, ki se znajdejo med tema dvema področjema. Sva Peter Golob in Žiga Perović, dolgoletna kolega s pravnega faksa, ljubitelja kraft piva, ki oba aktivno delava na različnih pravnih področjih. Ideja za podcast se je porodila, kakopak, ob pivu, kjer sva ugotovila, da bi znalo biti zabavno poslušati aktualne teme z dodatkom “šank debate” pravnega komentarja. Najin cilj je … hmm, se naučiti vsakokrat nekaj novega, debatirat o zanimivih temah v družbi dobrega kolega in pa, seveda, poizkusiti različna slovenska piva in s tem dvigniti nivo vedenja o njih 🙂Za komentarje, vprašanja in kritike sva na voljo na: [email protected]

  • Bor in Anže sta študenta medicine, ki tako kot ostali, razmišljata o svoji nadaljnji karierni poti in izbiri specializacije. V podcastu bosta gostila zdravnike različnih specializacij in spoznavala kako izgleda njihovo delo in prednosti ter slabosti le-tega.
    Vabljeni k poslušanju vsi, ki vas zanima področje medicine in delo zdravnika!
    Ig: internistkirurgali
    Mail: [email protected]

  • CHLANI. Prebrano »člani«, ne pa klani. Ampak člani česa? Ne, ne … Tukaj ne gre za članstvo v klubu ali organizaciji, niti v klanu. »Član« je slengovska beseda, ki jo predvsem mladi zelo pogosto uporabljajo na najlepšem delu Slovenije – na Obali. Torej, ker ste tukaj, naj vam izrečeva dobrodošlico: »Kje ste, člani!« Ogrodje novega slovenskega podcasta sestavljamo 2 mlada ustvarjalca. Zaradi bližine, ki smo jo med seboj ustvarili s pogostim druženjem in delom, podcastu zagotovimo avtentičnost in poskrbimo za sproščeno dinamiko. Na pocastih se nam pogosto pridružijo še zanimivi gosti, – znani in manj znani – ki popestrijo epizode s svojim unikatnim pogledom na življenje in atraktivno osebnostjo. Teme, ki jih obravnavamo, so lahko absurdne in nenavadne, vsekakor pa se dotaknemo tudi življenjskih tem.

  • The Audio Long Read podcast is a selection of the Guardian’s long reads, giving you the opportunity to get on with your day while listening to some of the finest journalism the Guardian has to offer, including in-depth writing from around the world on immigration, crime, business, the arts and much more

  • Relationships are for heroes.

    Join bestselling author—and host of the #1 YouTube channel for women’s relationship advice—Matthew Hussey and his brother Stephen Hussey, as they offer tips and insights on how to make sense of the beautiful mess that is finding and maintaining love, while nurturing the relationship you have with yourself.

    In weekly episodes, they share practical advice, hard-won wisdom, and the occasional musing on relationships and the increasingly confusing world of modern dating. No matter your relationship status, the Love Life podcast will meet you where you are.

    About the Hosts: Matthew Hussey is the New York Times bestselling author of Get the Guy, and host of a YouTube channel that has received 400+ million views. Get the Guy co-writer and YouTuber Stephen Hussey holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Oxford University.

  • On the Easy German podcast, we discuss topics from Germany and around the world, explain words and expressions and answer your questions. Members get full transcripts, our exclusive vocabulary helper and bonus content for each episode. Learn more at easygerman.fm

  • Podkast o odnosih, ki opredeljujejo človeka in vplivu družbe nanj. Kako se je spremenila družba od
    razsvetljenstva naprej in kdo je človek 21. stoletja. Od tlačanstva do ideje o svobodi, fanatičnih
    dogmah, življenja v skupnosti včeraj in danes do prevlade tehnologije in njenih vplivov na
    posameznika in družbo.

  • Sva Živa in Brina, sestri v Kristusu. To je najin podkast, kjer bova govorili o Bogu. Do nebes je katoliški podkast. Tukaj bova z vami delili radosti, preizkušnje, misli in utrinke najinih življenj z Bogom. Pridruži se nama in klepetaj z nama o Gospodu, našem Očetu.

  • Lepo pozdravljeni v podkastu Potovanja in delo v tujini. Moje ime je Maja Novak, zadnjih 18 let sem potovala in delala v tujini, med drugim kot interior manager na privatnih jahtah in živela v več kot 10 deželah sveta. Preko podkasta želim svoje izkušnje in nasvete deliti z vsemi vami, ki vas take tematike privlačijo. V družbi navdihujočih gostov se razvijajo pogovori o osebni rasti skozi potovanja, različnih možnostih dela v tujini za mlade, o digitalnem nomadstvu, retreatih in o skrbi zase. Welcome aboard! www.mayita.si

  • The world’s most popular history podcast, with Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook.

    Join The Rest Is History Club (www.restishistorypod.com) for ad-free listening to the full archive, weekly bonus episodes, live streamed shows and access to an exclusive chatroom community.

    Here are some of our favourite episodes to get you started:

    WATERGATE/NIXON apple.co/3JrVl5h

    ALEXANDER THE GREAT apple.co/3Q4FaNk


    PUTIN & RUSSIA apple.co/3zMtLfX

  • Podkast o življenju, vesolju in sploh vsem … v katerem po nekem čudnem naključju vsako epizodo obdelamo eno poglavje kultne trilogije v petih delih Štoparski vodnik po Galaksiji, ki jo je, ko smo bili (mi) še majhni, napisal Douglas Adams. Še veš kje imaš brisačo?

  • Svetovalni servis je osrednja kontaktna oddaja jutranjega programa na Prvem. Namenjena je poslušalkam in poslušalcem, ki lahko iz prve roke dobijo odgovor na vprašanje glede različnih tematik. V oddaji vsak delovnik med 9.05 in 9.30 gostimo strokovnjake s področja zdravstva, prava, hortikulture, gradbeništva, energetike, financ, potrošniških pravic, sociologije, psihologije, športa, kulinarike … Sodelujte na 01 475 22 22, [email protected] ali prek spletne strani Prvega programa.

  • Poljudna oddaja, v kateri vas popeljemo med vznemirljiva vprašanja in odkritja moderne znanosti, s katerimi se raziskovalci v tem trenutku spopadajo v svojih glavah in laboratorijih.

  • Osrednja jutranja informativna oddaja Druga jutranja kronika prinaša analizo najbolj aktualnega nočnega dogajanja, predvsem pa napoveduje teme, ki bodo zaznamovale dan. Je strnjena, verodostojna, zmeraj aktualna – in najbolj poslušana radijska oddaja v Sloveniji. Vsak dan ob 7.00 na Radiu Slovenija.

    Kot podkast so na voljo tudi oddaje Danes do 13h, Dogodki in odmevi, Po Sloveniji Radijski dnevnik in Zrcalo dneva. Naročite se lahko tudi na kratka poročila v podkastu Novice Radia Slovenija.

  • It's the Official Eurovision Song Contest podcast. Presenter and music journalist Steve Holden will be chatting to star guests, as well as the singers and artists who'll be competing in Malmö, Sweden in 2024.

  • Oddaja predstavlja humanistične teme, od filozofije in literature do jezikoslovja in zgodovine. Oddajo oblikujemo predvsem na podlagi pogovorov s priznanimi strokovnjaki iz določenega področja, največkrat gre za vrhunske profesorje, filozofe ali znanstvenike. Namen oddaje je dvojen: poglobljeno razmišljanje o temah s področja humanistike in njena popularizacija.

  • O čem razmišljajo mladi? Kako živijo? Kako preživijo? Kdo jih nagovarja in kdo ignorira? S študenti in dijaki razpravljamo o življenju v rožnati dolini.

  • Novice in aktualne zgodbe z vsega sveta, ki jih pripravljajo naši dopisniki in sodelavci. 18. vzporednik je pogovor s poročevalci iz vseh večjih evropskih in nekaterih svetovnih prestolnic.

  • Glad We Had This Chat is your one-stop shop for all things beauty, skincare and beyond – hosted by the award-winning skincare expert, Caroline Hirons.

    Described as “arguably the most important figure in British beauty”, Caroline is a Number 1 bestselling author, founder of Skin Rocks and has amassed a huge loyal following with over 160million views to her eponymous blog.

    Each week Caroline delves into her contacts book and brings you brilliant chats with brilliant guests, from A-listers to the most sought-after industry experts.

    You’ll hear the interview each Monday, and every Wednesday, Caroline and her guests will be answering YOUR questions! You can send them to us at [email protected]

    Frank, honest and funny, you’ll be left thinking I'm Glad They Had That Chat.

    https://www.youtube.com/@CarolineHirons01 (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyzKg_t3tPv8Aa_7JL2xXZA)

  • The future is always bright…if you know where to look. Join me each week for A Bit of Optimism - I talk to inspiring people who teach me more about life, leadership and general interesting things.

  • Najnovejše in natančne neodvisne novice iz Slovenije in sveta. Ekskluzivni partner CNN.

  • Oddaja za legitimno preživljanje prostega časa, kjer Boštjan Gorenc Pižama in Anže Tomić uživata v klasičnih filmskih mojstrovinah, ki jih nikoli prej nista imela časa ali volje pogledati.

  • Welcome to "Not Alone," a podcast where we dive deep into the stories that shape us. Hosted by Valeria Lipovetsky, this space is dedicated to revealing the raw, often unspoken challenges faced by women from all walks of life. Each episode invites you to listen to heartfelt conversations with inspiring guests who open up about their personal battles, breakthroughs, and the lessons learned along the way.

    Follow Valeria on Instagram, Youtube, and TikTok.

  • Lance Armstrong presents a singular perspective on the world’s most iconic cycling races, including the Tour de France and the Classics, as well as the broader endurance sports scene. Not your typical cycling or sports podcast, THEMOVE brings listeners deep inside the racing action, imparting insights from someone who knows the suffering and splendor like no one else. In addition to  course previews and timely race analysis from Armstrong’s distinct point of view, the audience also gets to hear from featured guests, who regularly swing by the THEMOVE studio to join the always-lively conversation. Guests have included former teammates like George Hincapie during the Tour de France, and Mark Allen and Dave Scott in advance of the IRONMAN World Championship.

    THEMOVE is an audio-video experience that transforms every listener from fan and spectator into the ultimate insider.

  • Raziskuj najpomembnejša vprašanja življenja, skozi misli in nauke starih stoikov, kot so Seneka, Epiktet, Mark Avrelij in drugi. Dnevni podkast starih stoičnih modrosti je prilagojen in razširjen za modernega človeka. Oddajo ustvarja in objavlja več oblik programov umetne inteligence.

  • Veš unu, ka greš u kevdr s kolegi, pa se menš kr neki, k nasledno jutro use pozabs?
    Podcast o 2,5 dolenjca (1 prženjen), ki v kevdru ene od dolenjski zidanic ob narezku in kozarčku rujnega rdečega debatirajo o raznovrstnih temah in dogodkih... sami ali v družbi imenitnih gostov...

  • The Minimalists are Emmy-nominated Netflix stars and New York Times–bestselling authors Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus. Alongside cohost T.K. Coleman, they help millions of people live meaningful lives with less.

  • We help individuals to launch startups for free starting from zero.

    Each week we share our underdog accelerator Q&A's and workshops from industry experts!

    Join the Community for Free: https://underdogaccelerator.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond.

  • This podcast won’t solve all your problems, but it WILL go through them with you. Radhi Devlukia brings you a new weekly show called A Really Good Cry, a space where we can embrace the real, the messy and the beautiful parts of life that can be difficult to digest alone, together. Tune in for a good ole’ laugh, maybe shed a tear or two, and join a community where you can have a really good cry!

    There's no small talk here, we are diving straight in and it’s gonna get real. Whether it’s raw, unfiltered conversations, debate and discussions of different perspectives and life experiences or going on an emotional rollercoaster. A Really Good Cry is there for you to learn, connect, and find comfort together - that allows us to see the world and ourselves with a new perspective.

    Some episodes will also feature surprise guests, including celebrities, scientists, experts and more. New episodes drop every Tuesday. Tag @areallygoodcry on Instagram with your best crying face for a chance to be featured on our social media channels. Like, comment and follow @areallygoodcry on Instagram if you want the chance to be featured on episodes. You can also subscribe to get exclusive and bonus content. Radhi will give listeners the opportunity to be part of the show by responding to dms, comments, questions and more.

  • The stories you tell yourself on a daily basis determines the person you will become.The good, the bad, the negative, the positive, the uplifting, the draining – they’re all part of the equation. But YOU are the author of your life story – so, what story are you writing?

    Top Podcaster & Best-selling Author Lewis Howes brings you the The Daily Motivation Show, where you’ll hear from industry-leading experts, you’ll learn proven principles, and you’ll discover life-changing ideas that will help you get motivated and STAY motivated.

  • The Mindset and Motivation Podcast provides a weekly dose of inspiration to keep you on track to reaching your highest goals and maintaining a growth mindset. This show will allow you to discover your passion and purpose for living life to the fullest with a weekly dose of Monday Motivation. After seeing over 250,000 client appointments in his private practice, Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, has come online to share what he has seen to work in the real world - It’s now time to shift your mindset and gain the motivation you need to achieve your greatest good and potential!

  • Tomaž Celestina, Jolanda Lebar, Metka Pirc, Matej Hrastar, Jure Čepin in Miranda Bratkič v oddaji Ob osmih gostijo sogovornike, ki pomagajo razložiti dnevne novice. Zanima jih predvsem, zakaj se nekaj dogaja in kakšen je širši kontekst dnevnega dogajanja. Vsak dan od torka do petka. Ob osmih.

  • Na Sensa Slovenija Podcastu poslušate izbrane zgodbe za dušo, zgodbe, ki vam vlivajo pogum za spremembo ali korak naprej, osebne zgodbe, meditacije ter Sensa pogovore z zanimivimi ljudmi, ki ustvarjajo Sensa vsebino.

  • Pogovori o holističnem zdravju žensk od nosečnosti, poroda, materinstva, seksualnosti, travm, zdravljenja ... skozi lečo feminizma, kot ga razumem sama. O posledicah patriarhata in kapitalizma na ženskih telesih. Z vami bom Ana Dolinar Horvat.

  • Explore the far reaches of the world’s horrors in the audio drama podcast The White Vault. Follow the collected records of a repair team sent to Outpost Fristed in the vast white wastes of Svalbard and unravel what lies waiting in the ice below. This Fool and Scholar production is intended for mature audiences.

  • Preko pogovorov s čudovitimi zenskami in z njiihovimi porodnimi zgodbami spreminjamo pomen nasveta "še vsaka je rodila" v nekaj čudovitega. V nekaj, kar bo lahko zares pomagalo mariskateri nosečnici pred in med samim porodom. Z gostjami se pogovarja Katarina Urbanc Munda - porodna navdušenka, medicinska sestra, doula in mama dveh otrok.

  • This is your year-round cycling feed!
    Geraint Thomas has started the world's biggest cycling club. And you’re all invited. Follow the Tour de France winner and amateur rider Tom Fordyce as they take you on a fascinating ride round some of the biggest stories and guests throughout the off-season.
    And once racing gets under way, join INEOS team-mates and best friends Luke Rowe and Geraint as they bring you banter, guests and inside information from their Monaco-base, training camps and all the biggest races on the pro-tour.

  • Podkast Vidno polje širi misijo TAM-TAM Inštituta in gleda čez ramo oblikovalkam in oblikovalcem plakatov. Z izbranimi gosti opazujemo in razpravljamo o njihovih delih, kreativnih postopkih in o vlogi plakata v družbi ter smo pozorni na vizualne podobe, ki na javnih površinah ulovijo naš pogled. Da se razširi naše vidno polje, podkast uziramo mesečno. Pogovore vodita Nejc Bahor - Biga in Peter Kuntarič - Kunta. Ustvarjeno v studiu Radia Študent. Po dobrem plakatu se dan pozna!

  • History! The most exciting and important things that have ever happened on the planet. Powerful kings, warrior queens, nomads, empires and expeditions. Historian Dan Snow and his expert guests bring all these stories to life and more in a daily dose of history. Join Dan as he digs into the past to make sense of the headlines and get up close to the biggest discoveries being made around the world today, as they happen.

    If you want to get in touch with the podcast, you can email us at [email protected], we'd love to hear from you!

  • Eppur si muove - In vendar se vrti, je pred stoletji vzkliknil nesrečni italijanski astronom Galileo. Njegove besede pa so še danes najprimernejši skupni imenovalec za redno tedensko oddajo Zunanjepolitičnega uredništva Radia Slovenija, ki ponuja petnajstminutno vzročno-posledično analizo mednarodnega dogodka ali dogajanja, ki ga v rednih dnevno-informativnih oddajah ni bilo mogoče osvetliti v zadostni meri v tednu. Oddaja v spletu analitičnega besedila, intervjujev s tujimi in domačimi strokovnjaki in analitiki, z neposrednimi udeleženci dogodkov ter z izbrano glasbeno opremo tako ponuja izčrpen odgovor na enega od petih ključnih vprašajev novinarskega dela, namreč zakaj . Zakaj je nek dogodek pomemben, kakšni so vzroki in kakšne bodo posledice, zakaj bo neka ideja našla pot v zgodovino in zakaj neka druga ne.

  • Join clinical psychologist and mom of three Dr. Becky Kennedy on her weekly podcast, as she takes on tough parenting questions and delivers actionable guidance—all in short episodes, because we know time is hard to find as a parent. Her breakthrough approach has enabled thousands of people to get more comfortable in discomfort, make repairs after mistakes, and always see the good inside. You'll gain the tools to embody your authority while developing a stronger parent-child connection, helping you become the parent you want to be and helping your child develop the skills necessary for life success.

  • LD;GD je podkast, ki nikogar ne podcenjuje in ničesar ne jemlje preveč resno. Še posebej ne politike. Vaši gostitelji smo Aljaž Pengov Bitenc (Radio Kaos), Nataša Briški (Metina lista), privatnik Antiša Korljan in Andraž Zorko (Valicon).

  • Podobe znanja so razpoznavna tedenska oddaja Programa ARS nacionalnega Radia. V formi polurnega portretnega intervjuja predstavljamo ugledne slovenske intelektualce in znanstvenike vseh generacij in z vseh področij humanistike, družboslovja in eksaktnih ved – od čiste filozofije pa tja do fizike osnovnih delcev, vključujemo pa občasno tudi goste z »mejnih« področij z umetnostjo, kot je recimo arhitektura, upodabljajoče umetnosti ipd.

  • In "Hardcore History" journalist and broadcaster Dan Carlin takes his "Martian", unorthodox way of thinking and applies it to the past. Was Alexander the Great as bad a person as Adolf Hitler? What would Apaches with modern weapons be like? Will our modern civilization ever fall like civilizations from past eras? This isn't academic history (and Carlin isn't a historian) but the podcast's unique blend of high drama, masterful narration and Twilight Zone-style twists has entertained millions of listeners.

  • „Za življenje, za danes in jutri“ je sklop svetovalnih in izobraževalnih oddaj, namenjenih staršem, družinam in posameznikom, saj posegajo na vsa področja življenja v družini in v ostalih skupnostih. Za družinsko svetovanje, svetovanje na področju starševstva in vzgoje skrbita p. Christian Gostečnik, vodja Frančiškanskega družinskega centra, in priznani specialni pedagog Marko Juhant, tudi avtor več uspešnih knjig na temo vzgoje. Oddaje, namenjene zakoncem in spodbujanju graditve dobrega zakonskega odnosa, pripravljamo v sodelovanju z družinskimi terapevti. Teolog in vzgojitelj dr. Karel Gržan pa na prodoren in iskriv način svetuje pri medosebnih odnosih vseh vrst. V oddajah imajo poslušalci priložnost zastavljati vprašanja in dobiti odgovore na konkretne življenjske razmere. Vsako peto soboto v mesecu pa se nam pridruži p. dr. Tadej Strehovec, mag. aplikativne etike, asistent pri katedri za moralno teologijo in bioetik, ki odpira vprašanja s področja evtanazije, medicinske in družinske etike ter druga.

  • «Что случилось» — новостной подкаст «Медузы». Он выходит каждый день, кроме субботы и воскресенья. Мы не пытаемся рассказывать обо всех событиях дня. Каждый выпуск посвящен одной теме, которая еще долго будет влиять на нашу жизнь. Ведущий — журналист Владислав Горин.

  • Leaders aren’t born, they’re made. This Monday show helps you discover leadership wisdom through insightful conversations. Independently produced weekly since 2011, Dr. Dave Stachowiak brings perspective from a thriving, global leadership academy, plus more than 15 years of leadership at Dale Carnegie. Bestselling authors, expert researchers, deep conversation, and regular dialogue with listeners have attracted 40 million downloads and the #1 search result for management on Apple Podcasts. Activate your FREE membership to search the entire episode library by topic at CoachingforLeaders.com

  • Oddaja razkriva, da zgodovine ne sestavljajo samo veliki dogodki, ampak je ta seštevek mnogih majhnih življenjskih zmag, porazov in odločitev. Čeprav se loteva tudi velikih zgodovinskih zgodb, je njena prednost v tem, da jih lahko prikaže skozi človeške zgodbe in usode, skozi majhne dogodke, ki šele v seštevku sestavijo veliko zgodovinsko sliko. Zato v njej enakovredno nastopajo zgodovinarji in drugi strokovnjaki ter pričevalci, zmagovali in poraženci, zgodovinske velilčine in ljudje, ki so jim odločitve velikih spremenile življenje.

  • A tech podcast for the gadget lovers and tech heads among us from the mind of Marques Brownlee, better known as MKBHD. MKBHD has made a name for himself on YouTube reviewing everything from the newest smartphones to cameras to electric cars. Pulling from over 10 years of experience covering the tech industry, MKBHD and co-hosts Andrew Manganelli and David Imel will keep you informed and entertained as they take a deep dive into the latest and greatest in tech and what deserves your hard earned cash. New episodes every week. Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.
    We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4 

  • Dobrodošli na podcastu Alumni Connect!

    Prisluhnite zgodbam alumnov Ekonomske fakultete s celega sveta ter njihovim skrivnosti do uspeha. Odkrivali bomo različne ideologije, poglede na vroče tematike sveta in se predvsem podali v osebne zgodbe posameznikov. Želimo si povezovati ljudi, širite ideje in dobre prakse, ustvarjati priložnosti in nova poznanstva ter spremeniti našo skupnost na bolje.

  • Julia Louis-Dreyfus returns for Season 2 of her award-winning podcast, Wiser Than Me™. Each week, she has funny, touching, personal conversations with iconic older women who are brimming with the kind of unapologetic attitude and wisdom that only comes with age. Julia sits at the feet of some extraordinary teachers this season (discover who in the trailer), and of course her 90-year-old mom, Judy. Tune in to laugh, cry and get wise. All Hail Old Women!

    Photo: Ryan Pfluger and August Image

  • A Guide to Surviving Life, Love, and Capitalism. By Madeline Pendleton and David Roberts. Find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/pickmeupimscared

  • If time is tight, what's the one thing that you should be doing to improve your health and wellbeing? Michael Mosley reveals surprisingly simple top tips that are scientifically proven to change your life.

  • Gary Brecka is a Human Biologist, biohacker, researcher, and an anti-aging and longevity expert. His approach to health is simple: "Aging is the aggressive pursuit of comfort.”

    For over 20 years, he worked in the life insurance industry predicting mortality. This meant if he got 5 years of medical records and 5 years of demographic data on you, the team that he was associated with could tell a life insurance company how long you had to live to the month. After years and years of doing this type of research and analysis, he decided he wanted to spend the balance of his lifetime helping people live happier, healthier, longer, more fulfilling lives.

    With this mission in mind, he created The Ultimate Human podcast. In this weekly podcast, Gary has exciting conversations with celebrities, athletes, entrepreneurs, and scientists and is thrilled to share their transformative insights with you. What’s keeping you from being an ultimate human? Tune in to find out.

    For more info on Gary, please click here: https://linktr.ee/thegarybrecka
    For more info on the 10X Genetic Methylation Test: http://www.10XHealthTest.com

  • The most important stories about money, business and power. Hosted by Kate Linebaugh and Ryan Knutson, with Jessica Mendoza. The Journal is a co-production of Spotify and The Wall Street Journal.

    Get show merch here: https://wsjshop.com/collections/clothing

  • Slo Mo is a series of conversations hosted by bestselling author and former Chief Business Officer of Google X, Mo Gawdat. With stunning honesty, Mo and some of his wisest friends explore the profound questions we all face in the pursuit of purpose in our lives. Achieving happiness and fulfillment is a lifelong journey, but step one is simple: slow down, and listen.

  • Every company has a story.

    Learn the playbooks that built the world’s greatest companies — and how you can apply them as a founder, operator, or investor.

  • The Goal Digger Podcast is a live-workshop style business and marketing podcast packed with actionable step-by-step tips that are helping thousands redefine success and chase bolder dreams. You can train with the experts on how to dig in, do the work, and tackle your biggest goals along the way.
    New York Times best selling author of "How Are You, Really?" Jenna Kutcher is redefining what success means and how you can find more joy, ease, and peace in the pursuit of your goals. If you’re ready to rewrite the parts of your life that are inauthentic so that you can move forward in confidence, it’s time to ask yourself the question you’ve been avoiding,
    How do I build my dream job? How do I make money online? Am I ready to leave my 9 to 5? How do I market my business? How can I create passive income? How can I grow my Instagram following? And the biggest question of all, can I *really* turn my passion into profits? Whether you’re a dreamer, have a side hustle, or you’re growing an empire, this is the show for you.
    Host Jenna Kutcher brings you social media strategies, productivity tips, business hacks, authentic entrepreneurship truths and inspirational stories that can help YOU design your dream business and life. Jenna shares tangible, actionable advice that she used to escape the 9-5 hustle and become a self-made millionaire through photography, digital courses, affiliate marketing, and influencer campaigns. She’s sharing everything that has helped her navigate over a decade of entrepreneurship.
    Along with sharing her best-kept secrets, she interviews the top women in the industry who will share their secrets to ensure you are seen, heard, (and hired!) With 100 million downloads and counting, the Goal Digger movement is growing every day and now it’s YOUR TURN to hear from the experts, get inspired, and tackle your biggest goals along the way.

  • One thing about Trisha Paytas, she’s going to speak her mind. The viral megastar has made a career out of unabashedly spilling her heart out to millions of viewers. While she’s been both praised and canceled for it, Trisha has never been afraid of stirring the pot. 

    Now, the meme queen is taking back the mic and truly telling it how she sees it–from the latest Internet drama to the hottest celebrity gossip. In this weekly podcast, Trisha gives her hilariously unfiltered take on the biggest headlines and trends currently taking social media by storm. Alongside her friend and co-host–Emmy-award winning entertainment news journalist Oscar Gracey–she provides her brutally honest, and sometimes highly controversial commentary on pop culture. It’s not personal, it’s ‘Just Trish’. 

    Subscribe to ‘Just Trish’ on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@justtrishpodcast

  • Anyone who has achieved greatness has, in part, patterned themselves after those who came before. Napoleon learned from Charlemagne, Charlemagne learned from Caesar, and Caesar learned from Alexander the Great. This podcast analyzes the lives of some of the greatest men and women to ever live. By examining their strategies, tactics, mindset, and work habits, How to Take Over the World helps you understand the great ones, so that you can follow in their footsteps.

  • This isn't your average self-help podcast. I provide an unfiltered look into health, fitness, nutrition, entrepreneurship, and human optimization through the perspectives of the world's most incredible individuals. These are powerful, deep conversations designed to educate, inspire, and challenge you to unlock your full potential to create the life you desire.

    Please rate and review the podcast if you enjoy it. Thanks for listening!

    Follow for more:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nickbarefitness/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nickbarefitness

  • Discussions about the science of nutrition, dietetics and health. The podcast that educates through nuanced conversations, exploring evidence and cultivating critical thinking. Hosted by Danny Lennon.

  • Sodobni človek vse pogosteje čuti izgubo pristnega stika s seboj, s Stvarnikom in s smislom bivanja. V enournih pogovorih s strokovnjaki različnih področij, predvsem pa s področja psihologije, razgrinjamo možnosti po vnovičnem prebujenju. Govorimo o izbirah, ki vračajo zadovoljstvo, kažemo drugačne možnosti notranje izpolnitve in spodbujamo k izstopu iz ujetosti, lažne privlačnosti agresivnega potrošništva ter novodobnih pritiskov o tem, kakšen naj bi bil uspešen človek - večno mlad, srečen in prekipevajoč v udobju. Izstopimo, da bi znova našli sebe. To je naš namen pogovornih oddaj, s katerimi stopamo na pozitivno stran.

  • Nastya Krasilnikova is an investigative journalist who covers sexual violence against women and children. A year and a half ago, former students associated with one of Russia’s most prestigious schools approached her with allegations of serial abuse by teachers. Her investigation has uncovered a network of harm and complicity in a tight-knit circle of Russian intelligentsia.

    The story spans many years and multiple countries. It asks what happens when a community refuses to atone for the violence of its leaders. As Russia wages a senseless war in Ukraine, that question couldn’t be more pressing.

    From Libo/Libo

  • At Biohacking Bestie, we explore a new paradigm for women based on expansion, freedom, and audacity to live life in our fullest expression. We’re here to learn how to optimize our biology, our minds and our spirits not only to live a full f*ck yes life, but to raise the vibration of our communities, and the world at large. (because starvation diets, obsessing about what to eat and then feeling guilty for not getting it all perfect is exactly what keeps women small). 

    We cover a range of topics that are relevant to women's health, including hormonal balance, healthy practices, and anti-aging. Our guests include leading experts in the field of women's health, including doctors, researchers, and womens activists who share their insights and experiences.

    We discuss the latest biohacking tools and techniques, including the latest science on nutrition, weight loss, longevity, and fitness. Aggie, being one of the first women in the biohacking space, is now setting out to provide actionable tips and strategies to help women achieve their health and wellness goals.

    Our podcast is designed to empower women to take control of their health and optimize their performance.

    Whether you're an experienced biohacker or just getting started, our podcast offers something for everyone. Join us as we explore the exciting world of women's biohacking and discover new ways to enhance your health and wellbeing. Grab your bulletproof, coffee or apple cider vinegar sit back and tune in!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Willkommen bei G Spot - Macht’s euch gemütlich und lasst euch fallen, Jeden Mittwoch begrüßt Stefanie Giesinger verschiedene Gäst*innen, um mit ihnen offen und ehrlich über Themen wie Feminismus, Mentale Gesundheit, Sex, Business, Fashion und Liebe zu sprechen. Egal wie spicy das Thema - Tabus gibt es nicht! Dafür immer neue Perspektiven und die Sicherheit, dass ihr mit euren Gedanken nicht allein seid.

    Get ready for a ride: Hier geht es um den Sweet Spot, den G Spot - eine gemeinsame Reise, inklusive aller Höhen, Tiefen und den vielen Zwischentönen.

  • Original BBC documentary storytelling, bringing award-winning journalism, unheard voices, amazing culture and “unputdownable” audio. New episodes every week from The Documentary, Assignment, Heart and Soul, In the Studio, BBC OS Conversations and The Fifth Floor.

  • My name is Nick Viall and I host The Viall Files, a podcast that one anonymous reviewer called “surprisingly insightful and substantive.”

    The Viall Files explores all things dating and love - from post-breakup healing to salacious texts - in our three (and sometimes four) weekly episodes.

    Ask Nick - Every Monday, listeners navigating a challenging yet relatable interpersonal circumstance--from a 2 year situationship to a blowout fight with their mom to a friendship feud to reigniting intimacy after 10 years of marriage--call in for Nick's signature blunt yet compassionate advice. It's ripe with the type of hard truths your friends are too afraid to say, but you're better off for hearing.

    Bachelor Recap - We break down this week's episode of the Bachelor, Bachelorette, or Bachelor in Paradise on Tuesdays. This color commentary is full of hot takes, debates, jokes, and the insider knowledge only a former Bachelor can provide. Nick, Ali and Amanda are joined by special celebrity guests--you'd be surprised how many of your favorite actors and comedians are closet bachelor fans.

    Freestyle - On Tuesday during the Bachelor "off-season," we dive into the hot-button, zeitgeist topics--the latest celebrity drama, trending reality tv shows, new love song/music video that everyone's obsessed with, and occasionally a months-long highly publicized defamation trial between divorced A-list actors. Our lively discussions include takeaways we can all relate to.
    We also have "Texting Office Hours," a segment where we help a caller craft, edit, and press the send button on a nerve-wracking message.

    Going Deeper - Every Thursday, a special guest joins the show for a tell-all interview and to discuss their latest project, their philosophies on love and relationships, plus the most relevant pop culture topics. These episodes conclude with our beloved "Texting Office Hours " segment where Nick, the guest, and our co-hosts team up to give advice to a listener on a message they need help writing.

    The Update Show - The last Friday of the month, by popular demand (and we mean POPULAR) cliffhangers are resolved and burning questions are answered with updates from our most engaging callers. These much-anticipated follow-ups reveal if the caller took Nick's advice and how everything transpired, providing much-needed resolution to the callers' stories that stole our hearts and attention.

  • HBO and The Ringer's Bill Simmons hosts the most downloaded sports podcast of all time, with a rotating crew of celebrities, athletes, and media staples, as well as mainstays like Cousin Sal, Joe House, and a slew of other friends and family members who always happen to be suspiciously available.

  • Dobrodošli v "RASTezanju", kjer se voditelja Andrej Bergant (FrodX) in Gorazd Zakrajšek (FrodX) podajata na raziskovalno potovanje skozi svet tehnologije in inovacij v izkušnji strank ter kako se soočajo z izzivi na tem področju. Skozi njune razprave in intervjuje z gosti iz različnih podjetij boste spoznali, kako so FrodX stranke reševale svoje izzive in dosegale pozitivne poslovne rezultate.

    Podcast "RASTezanja" vam želi predstaviti različne poglede na vaše poslovanje, vam odstrniti vaše izzive in vam hkrati nakazati možne rešitve, kako do bolj zvestih, dobičkonosnih in zadovoljnih strank.

  • Это подкаст о роли бизнеса в истории России. Как пчелы влияли на экономику средневековой Европы? Сколько стоил славянский раб на арабском рынке? Как крошечный бурятский поселок стал мировым бизнес-центром? Предприниматели веками меняли историю наравне с генералами и царями, а иногда даже против их воли. Здесь мы рассказываем о деловых людях и деловых схемах.

  • 'Jaw dropping', 'gripping', 'bingeable,' 'thrilling' - dramatic true stories and investigations that reveal how the world really works.

    To Catch A Scorpion: The dramatic hunt for one of Europe's most-wanted people smugglers, recorded as it unfolds.

    BBC journalist, Sue Mitchell, and former soldier and aid worker, Rob Lawrie go on a search for a crime boss: a people smuggler on the run, whose codename is Scorpion. He is one of the central characters controlling the transport of migrants from the European mainland into the UK.

    Barzan Majeed - codenamed Scorpion - leads the Scorpion gang. He's on international most-wanted lists. He started his criminal career in Britain and went on to build a smuggling empire which now spans the globe.

    An international police surveillance operation trapped more than 20 of his gang and almost netted Scorpion himself, but he was tipped off and escaped.

    Sue and Rob, two seasoned investigators, team up to try to do what the police have been unable to achieve: to find Scorpion, to speak to him, to ask him to account for his crimes and to seek justice for the families he has harmed.

    Their investigation takes them to the heart of an organised criminal gang making millions from transporting thousands of migrants on boat and lorry crossings that in some cases have gone dangerously wrong, causing serious injury and putting lives at risk. They witness his operation in action and record as intense situations unfold, where vulnerable people desperate for a better future, put their lives in the hands of ruthless and dangerous criminals.

    As they edge ever closer, they meet the people helping and supporting Scorpion and unpick the financial side of his business funding his luxury life. As they start to understand the man himself, can they garner enough clues to trace his whereabouts?

  • Pogovori in razmišljanja o zavesti, duhovnosti ter osebni rasti, o ljubezni in partnerskih odnosih, o življenju ter njegovem smislu.
    Vodi Urban Urbanc.

  • It's safe to say that longtime creators and friends, Jessi Smiles and Lily Marston, have seen quite a lot during their almost decade long careers on the internet, giving them a unique perspective on the topic of internet drama. And since there's not a whole lot going on in their own lives - join them every Monday & Friday because they'll be providing their profound insight and opinions on the latest internet happenings in their podcast, "DO WE KNOW THEM?" Because let's be honest, they probably do.

  • Having lived in Boston their whole life and now balancing living in two places at once, Nick, Matt, and Chris aren't your everyday siblings. Better known as the Sturniolo Triplets, these social media power houses spend most of their lives in front of the camera, making content for the millions of fans who have come to know and love them. But what happens when the cameras are off, and these three aren't coming up with the next piece of content? Well, on the Cut the Camera podcast, Nick, Matt, and Chris are going to give their fans the unfiltered, real-to-life experience of hanging out with them as they share who they are when no one is watching. There are stories and thoughts that don't fit into a TikTok video. There are subjects that are worth a deeper dive. Nick, Matt, and Chris are here to bring you along for the ride as they continue to shape and define who they are and what obstacles they need to overcome as they live a life in the public eye. From mental health, to ridiculous questions and theories along with special guests, this podcast is here to give you even more of what you already know and love from the Sturniolo Triplets. So, grab your beverage of choice, a bag of chips, and follow along as we Cut the Camera.

    Co-Produced by The Sturniolo Triplets and Z Star Studios
    Distributed by Studio71
    For advertising opportunities please email [email protected]
    We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4
    Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%Policy

  • Seks. Tema, o kateri ima vsak nekaj odgovorov in veliko vprašanj. V svet (ne)znanega in (ne)odkritega se odpravljata posebna raziskovalca Eva in Luka. Vsako epizodo predstavljata intimne izkušnje ljudi, sprašujeta strokovnjake in nam tako približata vsakdanje izzive zadovoljujočega spolnega življenja. Podkast Evolucija užitka, ki izide vsak drugi petek v mesecu, izobražuje, spodbuja odkrite pogovore o spolnosti in jih normalizira.

  • Locked On Mavericks podcast is your daily ticket to stay ahead of the game and the first to know the latest news, analysis, and insider info for the Dallas Mavericks and the NBA. Nick Angstadt, who also hosts Locked On NBA, provides your daily Mavs fix with expert, local analysis, and coverage of all aspects of the Mavericks’ franchise. Locked On Mavericks takes you beyond the scoreboard for the inside scoops on the biggest stories from within the Mavs locker room and all over the NBA. The Locked On Mavericks podcast is part of the Locked On Podcast Network. Your Team. Every Day.

  • V stresnih razmerah pogosto slišimo nasvet "umirite se". Kako pa lahko to učinkovito naredimo? Skupaj s strokovnjaki se učimo tehnik in strategij umirjanja in sproščanja ter skrbi za duševno zdravje in ravnovesje.

  • Our mission is to make you smarter, faster. Listen to interviews with the world’s biggest thinkers on science, philosophy, business, and more. Big Think is the leading source of expert-driven, actionable, educational content, featuring the best experts since 2008. Our experts are either disrupting or leading their respective fields. We aim to help you explore the big ideas and core skills that define knowledge in the 21st century, so you can apply them to the questions and challenges in your own life. No Copyright Infringement Intended. For inquiries, please reach out to [email protected].

  • If you’re looking to grow a wildly profitable travel business that brings you joy, you’ll need a consistent stream of new clients. Living client to client is like living paycheck to paycheck. And nobody wants that.

    Hosted by travel industry expert and travel TV host Sandra McLemore, this podcast is the story of every challenge she has ever had in her business startup journey.

    Starting her business with just $40 in her back pocket, she shares with you the frameworks and formulas she used along the way to growing her thriving brand so that you can do the same.

  • Welcome to The Dr. Joey Munoz Show, the ultimate podcast for anyone looking to improve their health, nutrition, and fitness.

    As a leading health expert, Dr. Joey Munoz will not only share his extensive knowledge on different health-related subjects, like nutrition and resistance training, but will also interview other experts in various health-related fields.

    From health coaches and personal trainers to doctors and researchers, Dr. Munoz will bring in a diverse range of guests who will share their unique perspectives and insights on how to achieve optimal health.

    This podcast covers a range of topics, including weight loss, exercise, disease prevention, mental health, and more.

    Join us for engaging conversations, practical advice, and expert tips that will help you live your best life. Whether you're a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just starting on your health journey, The Dr. Joey Munoz Show has something for everyone.

  • Robert Llewellyn (Red Dwarf, Scrapheap Challenge) hosts a podcast about sustainability, eco-news and interviews from around the globe. Filled with interesting stories, almost breaking news, a pinch of wit and a dash of banter. A few guests who know what is going on in the world of EVs, renewable energy and sustainability.

  • This is HE SAID, SHE SAID like you won’t believe. Singer, dancer, actress and Latina superstar Roselyn Sanchez is quirky, fiery and sassy. She met her match with straight-laced, type A, perfectionist actor Eric Winter. Aries and Cancer do not make the perfect match, but they are fighting the signs and have been together for 15 years. When they say "opposites attract," they were describing Roselyn and Eric. Who will win? Who will back down? We’re here for it...

  • Cal Newport is a computer science professor and a New York Times bestselling author who writes about the impact of technology on society, and the struggle to work and live deeply in a world increasingly mired in digital distractions. On this podcast, he answers questions from his readers and offers advice about cultivating focus, productivity, and meaning amidst the noise that pervades our lives.

  • "Neraziskanega življenja ni vredno živeti."
    – Sokrat

    Meditacija ni sredstvo za lajšanje stresa, boljši spanec ali izboljšanje koncentracije. Čeprav lahko pomaga doseči vse to, je njen končni cilj, da pomaga odpreti vrata globljemu razumevanju sebe / sveta.

  • Pretty Little Liars' Tammin Sursok and Lindsey Shaw delve into the twisted secrets of Aria, Spencer, Hanna, Emily, and the mysterious town of Rosewood. In every episode, with help from forensic scientist and death investigator Joseph Scott Morgan, they dissect the jaw-dropping plot twists and never-ending drama that made Pretty Little Liars the guilty pleasure you couldn’t look away from. Now go grab your black hoodie and strap in, because your journey’s about to begin… 

  • Every week, your wellness "big sis", Rebecca Leigh (@rebeccaleigh), hosts casual chats to help guide and empower you to grow into the best, most authentic version of you - so that living and feeling your best life becomes effortless. Think of this podcast as your daily dose of self-development to strengthen your mindset muscle, just like going to the gym for your physical body. This is where a positive mindset and holistic wellness come together. And don't forget - it all starts within YOU!

  • Welcome to the Busy, Yet Pretty podcast. Are you busy, setting goals and achieving your dream life? Yet, incorporating pretty things into your busy life such as style, skincare, perfume & lipgloss? Your host Jadyn Hailey is here to talk all about maintaining a Busy, Yet Pretty lifestyle. On this podcast, Jadyn covers fashion, wellness, living a lifestyle and creating your dream life. Get your almond milk matcha latte and tune in every Monday!

    Jadyn's Social Media platforms:
    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jadynhaileyy/
    - Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCx48PsDdAossgZjWWnXbvvg

    Business Inquiries: [email protected]

  • Every Town has a dark side and in this podcast we bring you the most insane True Crime stories, many of which you've never even heard of. We don't add any fluff just scary and creepy stories that cover missing person cases, unsolved murders, strange creature encounters and paranormal experiences. Because no matter how nice a place may appear on the surface, Every Town has a dark side. 

    Hosted by: Andrew Fitzgerald

    👀 Watch This Episode On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/scarymysteries
    🎧 Our Other Podcast Scary Mysteries: https://open.spotify.com/show/3ZooEZMoZ421WdsOVJhVkT
    💀 Exclusive Content & Perks: https://www.patreon.com/scarymysteries 
    👁 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andrew.fitzg
    👁 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@andrewfitzgerald
    👁 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scarymysteriesofficial
    🗣 Business Inquiries, questions and comments hit us up at [email protected]

  • Unfiltered talk about beauty trends, selfcare journeys, skincare, wellness tips and the products we love, hosted by Brooke DeVard Ozaydinli, with the women I admire.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Welcome to GIRL CODE, the podcast that feels like a FaceTime with your two new besties. Join Kaitlyn and Madi as they go through the wild ride of their twenties, sharing every laugh, menty B, and lesson along the way. From hilarious dating disasters to the latest pop culture tea, Kaitlyn and Madi are here to share it all. That's not all GIRL CODE has become a space for captivating guest interviews featuring a diverse lineup of fascinating, funny, and inspiring guests to share their stories with the GC Family.

  • A true crime podcast with a different point of view. Every week, Alice and Brett bring their unique perspective as prosecutors to the most famous cold case mysteries of all time. Murder, mayhem, disappearances, you name it. If it's true crime, they're on the case.

    Custom case art by Hannah Hill. https://instagram.com/serious_moonlite?igshid=lhy8ijowoc9p

  • Izbor ljudskih pravljic in drugih zgodbic za lahko noč ali dolgočasno vožnjo z avtom.

  • Presented by Uninterrupted and ThreeFourTwo Productions, Mind The Game is an entry into the heralded basketball minds of LeBron James and JJ Redick. The two sit down weekly to discuss the state of the game, dissect X’s and O’s, and wax poetic about the game they love.

  • HistoryCast otkriva priče iza istorijskih činjenica, upoznaje ljude iza istorijskih likova i nalazi život iza istorijskih datuma.

  • Comedian and actress Fortune Feimster is known to audiences as a fun, silly performer who likes to dance with ice cream. But in this podcast, she discusses a new topic every week in a more real, sincere way.

  • Willkommen beim WELT-Podcast "Die Sache mit der Liebe"! Hier treffen sich die Single- und Paar-Berater Anna Peinelt (31) und Christian Thiel (61), um jeden Montag Klischees und Mythen über die Liebe zu entzaubern. Wenn es um die Liebe geht, reden alle darüber, aber wie viel davon ist wirklich inhaltlich sinnvoll? Anna und Christian sind hier, um diese Frage zu beantworten.

    In diesem Podcast sprechen die beiden über Themen wie Liebe auf den ersten Blick, Ghosting und warum Affären selten zu ernsthaften Partnerschaften führen. Anna und Christian, ein Mann und eine Frau aus verschiedenen Generationen, bringen ihre Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus dem Beratungsalltag ein und bieten eine empathische Perspektive auf Beziehungen.

    Neben dem Thema Beziehungen behandeln die beiden auch andere Aspekte von Liebe, wie Fremdliebe, Liebe zwischen Freunden und Freundschaft Plus. Sie diskutieren, welche Rolle Sex in Beziehungen spielt und wie wir eine Beziehung aufrechterhalten können, obwohl wir Raum für uns selbst brauchen.

    Anna und Christian sind sympathisch, engagiert und sachkundig. Ihr Podcast ist sowohl unterhaltsam als auch erkenntnisreich. Wenn Sie mehr über die Liebe und Beziehungen erfahren möchten, abonnieren Sie "Die Sache mit der Liebe" und bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden!

    Feedback und Liebes-Fragen gern an: [email protected].

  • We've made it out of the closet, now it's time to unpack all that comes with finding yourself! Every week, Mal Glowenke, a recovering Texas-raised lesbian, will bring her unfiltered perspective to conversations with other queer women across the country, digging into everything from relationships to religion, sex and culture, and anything that affects or interests the lesbian community.
    Subscribe to get new episodes every Tuesday!
    Follow and connect with all things @madeitoutpodcast on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.

  • Oddaja o življenju na podeželju prinaša aktualne teme kmetijstva, gozdarstva in prehrane. Zajema vsebine, pomembne za ohranjanje tradicije in za modernizacijo vitalnega podeželja. Seznanja s tehnologijami prijaznim do ljudi, živali in okolja. Širši javnosti približuje življenje na kmetijah in primere dobrih praks.

  • Те самые душевные разговоры на кухне обо всём подряд.

    «Интроверт на кухне» — подкаст от «Правого полушария Интроверта» — сервиса, где поощряют саморазвитие.

  • Kevin Rose explores the forefronts of the AI, investment hacking, optimizing wellness, technology of the future, and the world's lastest cultural trends. Each episode is packed with valuable insights to fuel personal and professional growth, from technologists and scientists to zen masters and productivity hackers; this variety show will always provide you with an abundance of unconventional wisdom.

    Kevin has been recognized as one of Time Magazine's 'Top 25 Most Influential People on the Web' and a 'Top 25 Angel Investor' by Bloomberg, highlighting his impact in the tech and investment spheres. His influence extends to the cover pages of prestigious publications like Businessweek, Red Herring, 7x7, and Inc. Magazine. Further highlighting his versatility and widespread recognition, Kevin has also made notable appearances on the Jimmy Fallon Show and Charlie Rose.

  • All episodes are available for free, with remastered ad-free episodes available for Wondery+ subscribers.Debra Newell is a successful interior designer. She meets John Meehan, a handsome man who seems to check all the boxes: attentive, available, just back from a year in Iraq with Doctors Without Borders. But her family doesn’t like John, and they get entangled in an increasingly complex web of love, deception, forgiveness, denial, and ultimately, survival. Reported and hosted by Christopher Goffard from the L.A. Times.

  • Guardian political columnist John Harris hosts a cast of voices from up and down the country as well as across the political spectrum to analyse the week’s political news. For US Politics with Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland, make sure to search 'Politics Weekly America' wherever you get your podcasts

  • You may know them from Grey Sloan Memorial… but did you know Jessica Capshaw and Camilla Luddington are actually BFFs in real life?!

    As all besties do, they navigate the highs and lows of life together. When one of them sends out the distress signal, the other one always answers the call. Big or small, they are there for each other.

    And, what does that look like? A thousand pep talks. A million “I’ve got you’s.” Some urgent “I’m coming overs”…

    Laughing through the tears and problem solving over glasses of rose… okay, sometimes it take tequila! Because, let’s face it, life can get even crazier than a season finale of Grey’s Anatomy!

    Now Jessica and Camilla are opening up the friendship circle to YOU!

    Someone’s cheating? They got you on that.

    In-laws are in-lawing? Let’s get into it.

    Toxic friendships? Air it out.

    They’re on your side to help you with your concerns, talk about theirs and every once in a while bring on an awesome guest to get their take on the things that you bring them.

    While they may be unlicensed to advise, they’re gonna do it anyway!

  • Join intellectual phenomenon Dr. Jordan Peterson for enlightening discourse that will change the way you think. This podcast breaks down the dichotomy of life through interviews and lectures that explain how individuals and culture are shaped by values, music, religion, and beyond. It will give you a new perspective and a modern understanding of your creativity, competence, and personality.

  • Podcast za prebujenje zavesti človeštva.

  • Koju god igru da igramo, biramo svoje partnere jer život je igra!

  • The CultCast covers each week’s best Apple stories, news, and accessories for your iDevices and Mac—but more importantly—we do it with pizzaz. Why listen to another dreary tech program? Tune in to the CultCast each week for a healthy dose of Apple, jokes gone sour, and plenty of tangents.

  • Привет, это — Аня и Настя. В 22 мы продали свой первый бизнес — кондитерскую в небольшом городе, а теперь строим свои проекты и ведем этот подкаст.

    Наш проект — это исследование пути успеха с нуля. Мы общаемся с людьми из сферы бизнеса, а также блогерами, психологами, экспертами, чтобы разобраться, есть ли какой-то секрет построения успешной карьеры и предпринимательства.

    По вопросам рекламы и сотрудничества: [email protected]

    Ищи нас здесь:

    https://www.instagram.com/notsweetbusiness/https://t.me/notsweetbusinessАня: https://www.instagram.com/tsyplusha/Настя: https://www.instagram.com/beranastasii

  • Need advice? Comedian Tig Notaro doesn’t have all the answers, but that won't stop her from fielding your questions on life's many challenges. With the help of her friends and the occasional expert, Tig gives her best inexpert guidance on everything from lost love to giving yourself a haircut with toddler scissors. We're warning you now: Don't Ask Tig.

  • Welcome to the Therapy Crouch! The smash hit podcast from Abbey Clancy and Peter Crouch. Join us on our weekly episodes where we will be exploring the trials and tribulations experienced by us, and you the listener, as we navigate our way through complex relationships.

    Enter into our safe space where nothing is off limits and expect some tears, tantrums and plenty of laughs along the way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Trenutek, ko se srečata šport in življenje!

  • Join Scarlett & Freya, two lesbians with an over sharing issue to discuss queer culture, sex, feminism and sometimes the deep things.


    You can also rely on there being frequent lesbian dating horror stories, interviews with some very interesting people and a lot of laughs.


    To submit your dating horror stories or for general topic discussions and enquiries, email: [email protected]

    Follow us on instagram: @lesbiansupperclubpod

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Among The Lilies is the show for ladies who are tired of pretending and are ready to be real.

  • Have a menopause question? You’ll find the answers here.
    Join me, GP and Menopause Specialist Dr Louise Newson, for the definitive perimenopause and menopause podcast. Each week I’m joined by a special guest for the lowdown on the latest research and treatments, bust myths and share inspirational stories.
    This podcast is brought to you by the Newson Health Group, which has clinics across the UK dedicated to providing personalised perimenopause and menopause care for all women. It funds cutting-edge menopause research and creates clinical-led education programmes for healthcare professionals. It also funds the award-winning balance menopause support app, which provides free menopause resources and support to millions of people worldwide, empowering and enabling women to have choice and control over their perimenopause and menopause treatment.

  • What happened to the people who fell down the rabbit hole into a world of conspiracy theories during the pandemic?

  • V Zeliščarnici predstavljamo zelišča in seznanjamo poslušalce, zakaj moramo zelišča pred nabiranjem in uporabo dobro poznati, pa tudi, kako jih pravilno uporabljamo.

  • Chris McMonigle has produced some of WFAN’s most iconic shows, and been behind the mic for years – and now, he’s taking over the overnights!

  • «Простими словами» – це подкаст про психологію та науку від The Village Україна, який виходить із 2019 року.

    Ведучі: письменник Марк Лівін і клінічна психологиня Софія Терлез.

    Сподобався подкаст? Підтримайте роботу нашої команди й отримайте доступ до бонусних епізодів!

    • Долучитися до 500+ друзів подкасту на Patreon: https://bit.ly/3HRQxWQ
    • Подякувати, пригостивши кавою на Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/4brloqT

    Придбати наші книги про те, як розібратися у своїх емоціях і поведінці: http://surl.li/iaxzj

    Цінуємо підтримку кожного й кожної.

  • As the manosphere rises and men continue to terrorise us, how will you decide what your own happy ending looks like? Join Chidera Eggerue aka The Slumflower on her debut, much-awaited podcast The Slumflower Hour - the domain for disobedient women who date men! Is he really 'busy' or is he bored of you? Do you have the patience to practise your own boundaries? Should you follow your instincts or should you follow your impulses? Watch and listen to The Slumflower Hour every Friday! WARNING: This podcast might just be your man's worst nightmare, beware...

  • The Insightful Investor is a weekly podcast hosted by Alex Shahidi, Co-CIO of one of the nation’s leading RIAs. In a conversational, “fireside chat” format, Alex interacts with some of the world’s premier investors and business icons to share market insights rarely found elsewhere. While many investors echo common sentiments, our “insights” include concepts that we believe are counterintuitive, widely misunderstood, or underappreciated. With over two decades of experience managing billions of dollars in client assets, Alex offers unique access to some of the industry’s top thinkers. He has authored two investment books and contributed to leading journals, and he consistently ranks among the elite financial advisors by Forbes and Barron’s. As an independent and innovative voice, Alex offers a fresh take on investing. We invite you to tune in and would love to hear your feedback.


  • Kurt Cobain’s influence went beyond just the music he created with Nirvana. He also put the masses on to some of his own favorite artists. One particular document from his journals has been instructive to many fans – his top 50 albums. Each week, The Cobain 50 podcast digs into albums from this famous list and how they may have influenced Cobain and Nirvana. While learning the individual histories of the different albums on the list, we gain new insights into artists on the fringes as well as some of the biggest groups of all time. The podcast takes us through the legacies of acts like Sonic Youth, Pixies, The Breeders, Public Enemy, PJ Harvey, Black Flag, Mazzy Star, The Shaggs, Shonen Knife, and more. Episodes drop weekly starting January 10, 2024.

  • A trail blazing relationship podcast promoting unconventional monogamy and marriage--where we teach you how to fight well, master communication, and take your marriage to the next level without compromising your business, family, or integrity

  • Join Emily Tisch Sussman as she sits down with a diverse group of women to explore how their personal experiences led to their pivot and eventually their success. She Pivots challenges the typical definitions of success and explores the role our personal stories play in our professional journeys. The series will celebrate those who have made bold moves with a view towards inspiring others to pursue their own non-linear paths. Be sure to subscribe and follow us on Instagram @ShePivotsThePodcast.

  • Tam Kaur’s Self-Obsessed is the ultimate guide to everything society didn’t want you to learn. In a world where women are criticised for wanting and being ‘too much’ it's time to change the narrative. Join our host Tam in learning how to be self-obsessed. After all, it’s only about prioritising your self-love, self-care, self-confidence, self-worth and self-growth.
    ‘Self-Obsessed’ simplifies the process of closing the gap between your current self and your desired self. Every episode is a straight-to-the-point carefully curated guide to help women everywhere fall in love with themselves. Each episode will provide actionable advice while navigating topics such as building confidence, embracing authenticity, setting boundaries, cultivating healthy relationships, and pursuing your passions.
    So, consider this your safest space on the internet as Tam gives you the life secrets no-one else ever shared. It’s time to be your own idol.

  • Podcast o stališčih Zadružne zveze Slovenije in aktualnem dogajanju v slovenskem kmetijstvu skozi oči zadružnikov.

  • Душніла — подкаст, від якого іноді захочеться відчинити кватирку. Мета — навчити і навчитися аналізувати себе і навколишній світ через персональний досвід, самоаналіз, філософію і психологію.

  • Hi I'm Roger Williams. I am a Father of two little boys.

    This interview show, "Dadverb" is all about "Dads With Hustle".

    Inspired by Kevin Rose's "Foundation" series (foundation.bz), I wanted to know how the guys I was reading about, were able to have fulfilling careers and businesses, and at the same time, not ditch their families in the pursuit . I hope you are inspired by these guys as much as I am.

  • Candid conversations with the musicians, journalists, and luthiers who are the fabric of the classical guitar universe.

  • Tu so Vizionarji! Serija poslovnih videocastov, kjer največji strokovnjaki z vami delijo izkušnje in dobre prakse o najnovejših tehnoloških in gospodarskih trendih na trgu. V dialog s Tino Zafred, direktorico digitalnega delovnega okolja, povezujemo največje strokovnjake našega trga in našega najboljšega soseda. Skupaj odkrivajo najnovejša obzorja hitro spreminjajočega trga, ki podjetja nenehno postavljajo v položaj strateške reorganizacije in hitrega prilagajanja.

    Na voljo tudi na vseh streaming platformah.

  • V družbi, kjer strah pred neuspehom meče dolgo senco, je pripoved o sprejemanju in učenju iz neuspehov globoko osvobajajoča.

    Projekt Fail Again. Fail Better. izhaja iz te pripovedi, z namenom spodbujanja kulture, ki ceni neomajno iskanje in uresničevanje tako sanj kot idej, ne glede na ovire, ki so na poti.

    Spletna stran: https://www.failagainfailbetter.com/